Brother Be Well Wellness for Boys and Men of Color

Get answers and results through screenings

Know where you stand within minutes by making your mental health a priority through proven tools that contribute to your overall health and wellness. Not sure where to start? Try a wellness screening today.

Take a Mental Health America screening to test the waters and see where you are.



Like physical health, checking on your mental health is essential to ensure you stay mentally well. One of the easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition is to take an anonymous screen.

A screening is not a diagnosis, but a way of catching mental health conditions early. You will understanding if your symptoms have enough of an impact to warrant a conversation with your doctor about your mental health.

MHA Screening is a collection of online, free, confidential, anonymous, and scientifically validated screening tools for depression, anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, eating disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), postpartum depression, alcohol and substance use, and early psychosis, as well as screens that are youth-focused and parent-focused.

After completing a mental health screen, individuals receive immediate results, information, DIY tools and coping skills, and linkage to treatment resources. Along with the results of their screens, individuals provide MHA with valuable demographic and survey responses that allow them to further support mental health advocacy and education efforts.

Breathe in all the confidence you need and exhale all the fears that have been holding you back.

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